Here is where we present some of the more interesting projects we have been involved in recently and over the last 35 years. Some technologies are amusingly outdated, others are cutting edge. We hope you find them interesting, and that they may even spark some ideas or inspiration for you. Enjoy!

  • The displays shown below are a sample of the interactive display products that Trinity Electronics has designed and manufactured for the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre.

  • The displays shown below are a sample of the interactive display products that Trinity Electronics has designed and manufactured for the Oil Sands Discovery Centre.

  • The displays shown below are a sample of the interactive display products that Trinity Electronics has designed and manufactured for the Telephone Historical Centre.

  • Using a case to make a case. A briefcase mounted LED display that calculated, and displayed in real-time, Alberta’s accumulated provincial debt, based on the then-current interest rates.

  • The robot was designed to look like a space ship when moving in a horizontal position. When upright, the robot’s front panels opened to reveal a costumed dancer, who then exited the robot to continue the performance.

  • On large earth moving machines, undercarriage wear is the largest ongoing expense. Our client needed an odometer that separately record mileage and time in all gears in both forward and reverse directions.

  • A helicopter carousel is a cylindrical apparatus that hangs beneath a helicopter and holds from eight to sixteen bags of seismic supplies. The bags contain equipment that is dropped to crews on the ground. The bags hang on hooks which are connected to solenoids. When a solenoid is energized, it releases a bag allowing it to drop to the ground.

  • Adjust the amount of payload and fuel on this simulated rocket to get the launch height just right.

  • The ‘Alberta Fun Wall’ is packed with buttons, knobs, levers, cranks, flashing lights, windmills, and more.

  • Alberta Legislature Sound Control Panel to allow microphones for various Members of the Legislative Assembly to speak.